French Alternative Energies and Atomic Energy Commission (CEA)

CEA is a R&D governmental agency whose field of expertise applies to energy, health, transport, security, defence, and ICT. CEA has more than 15.000 researchers working throughout France.

The Robotics Unit inside CEA LIST provides the technological expertise in robotics for inspection and maintenance. The Robotics Unit dates for more than 40 years. Specialized originally in remote handling for operations in hazardous environments (nuclear, underwater applications), the Unit focuses on manufacturing applications. It also holds an historical background in robotics for Healthcare applications including assistive, surgical robotics and rehabilitation robotics. Its main research foci carry on human robot collaboration (co-working). The technological researches cover mechatronics and the conception of actuators for the design of innovative robotics systems, robot control, supervision and user assistances (force, haptic, vision, graphic, immersive feedback) aiming at an efficient human robots collaboration in all domains of applications.

CEA is deeply involved in innovation and development of the European industry. CEA is the most innovative public research organization in Europe and 2nd worldwide according to CLARIVATE ranking[1].

The Unit has regular collaborations with industrialists in France and abroad, supporting large groups or SMEs.

CEA is at the origin of the creation of several spin Offs like Haption[2] (Haptics devices) and iSYBOT[3] (collaborative robotics), DIOTA[4] (solutions for manufacturing), Light and Shadow[5] (virtual reality).

CEA has a strong culture for defending Intellectual Property Rights. CEA holds a large number and panel of patents related to robotics and ICT. CEA's policy is to transfer licences on the patents it can hold, to the industry. The objectives of CEA regarding IP, are to protect knowledge and offer a context to build trust with industries using CEA’s licences.

The Robotics Unit is composed of 50 people, half being permanent. Most of the personnel are experts in robotics full time researchers in robotics from PhD students to senior researchers and project managers. The Unit also holds senior business developers who develop the technical and commercial activity and the bilateral links with industrialists


[1] Clarivate top 100 innovators,





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Organization Type
  • Industry organization
  • Research Organization
  • Technology Provider
DIH Information

The form of the DIH Paris-Saclay and the team

The Paris-Saclay DIH is an alliance gathering two legal entities: CEA and SYSTEMATIC. The DIH might expand in the future. Each entity has its own domain of competences and work together to stimulate innovation. The two entities are located in the Paris region and have offices on the same site (Nano Innov).

Paris-Saclay Digital Innovation Hub for Inspection and Maintenance Robotics is relies on two entities:

  • CEA, which is a Research and Technology Organization
  • Systematic, an innovation and technology cluster in Île-de-France (Paris-Region) created in 2005, and devoted to Deep Tech.


Paris-Saclay DIH for robotics and inspection and maintenance proposes a set of services to favour digitizing of industry and develop innovation in different sectors of Inspection and Maintenance of Infrastructures. DIH Paris-Saclay holds a set of technologies and expertise in robotics and related technologies that are not available on the market. The services proposed by the DIH are aiming at creating the framework facilitating deployment of technologies, building connections and trust and understand needs of industrialists in order to promote the economic development.

The geographical scope is Paris region first. It extends to the national territory, Europe and has the capacity to address the international market.

Organization Type
Industry organization
Research Organization
Technology Provider
Business Services
Incubator/accelerator support
Offering housing
Project development
Skills and education
Business Services Information

Business development[1]

Category: Incubator/accelerator support

Description of activity, value proposition (what?): Dedicated to spin off and start up promoting CEA technologies.

Support on business creation, Accompanying the creation of start-ups, Protecting research results, advising on IPR management, Carry out strategic analyses, Find scientific and technical information, business intelligence, Set up industrial and collaborative contracts

Format (how?): Meetings, conference calls

Profile of DIH contact (who?): Experts in business creation, in IPR management

Involvement, effort from DIH: Meetings with experts in business development

Financial charge for customer: Free for Systematic members

Funding, business plan:


Funding opportunities investigation

Category: Incubator/accelerator support

Description of activity, value proposition (what?): Dedicated to organization interested in promoting CEA technologies or willing to do collaborative research with CEA.

Advice on support for funding according to maturity level. Advice on opportunities offered by European research and innovation programmes, regional sources of funding, tax refund mechanism and private investors. Dedicated to spin off and start up promoting CEA technologies.

Support on business creation, Accompanying the creation of start-ups, Protecting research results, advising on IPR management, Carry out strategic analyses, Find scientific and technical information, business intelligence, Set up industrial and collaborative contracts

Format (how?): Meetings, conference calls

Profile of DIH contact (who?): Business developer, technical expert, experts in IPR management

Involvement, effort from DIH: Meetings with experts in funding of research, development and innovation in robotics

Financial charge for customer: Free for Systematic members

Funding, business plan: Subsidised by the DIH


Hands-on training

Category: Skills and education

Description of activity, value proposition (what?): Training of operators, awareness-raising on teleoperation, and robotics

Format (how?): Courses and hands on training on equipment available at the DIH. On demand

Profile of DIH contact (who?): Technical expert

Involvement, effort from DIH: One day with participation of experts, supply of training reference material

Financial charge for customer: paying services

Funding, business plan: Rates according to the trainer's profile


Research, development and innovation opportunities

Category: Project development

Description of activity, value proposition (what?): Dedicated to organization interested in promoting CEA technologies or willing to do collaborative research with CEA.

Advising on technological research, development and innovation activity. Elaboration of an action plan for R&D&I with milestones, deliverables, agreement on the respective role of stakeholders and on the final delivery.

Format (how?): Meetings, conference calls

Profile of DIH contact (who?): Business developer, technical expert

Involvement, effort from DIH: Meetings with experts in research, development and innovation in robotics

Financial charge for customer: Free

Funding, business plan: Subsidised by the DIH


Hosting to Spin off and Start up

Category: Offering housing

Description of activity, value proposition (what?): Accompaniment and hosting follow-up of spin offs or Start-ups willing to promote CEA technologies, patents, licences.

Format (how?): On demand

Profile of DIH contact (who?): Business facilitator

Involvement, effort from DIH: Office space, workspace, located in DIH premises at CEA Nano-Innov, Internet infrastructure

Financial charge for customer: Paying service

Funding, business plan: Rates according to needs


[1] regarding CEA technologies

Ecosystem Services
Community building
Ecosystem learning
Strategy development
Ecosystem Services Information

Brokerage, Matchmaking

Category: Ecosystem service, Community building

Description of activity, value proposition (what?): Organisation of meetings between players in the value chain to make demand and offer sides meet, share ideas and analyse opportunities

Format (how?): One event per year at the DIH or online with presentations from stakeholders, visit of the DIH, networking lunch when on site and dialogue b2b space

Profile of DIH contact (who?): Business facilitators, technical experts

Involvement, effort from DIH: One day event with participation of 3 to 4 experts from the DIH, supply of communication material

Financial charge for customer: Free

Funding, business plan: Subsidised by the DIH


Awareness creation

Category: Ecosystem service, Community building

Description of activity, value proposition (what?): Robotics awareness course for decision-makers

Format (how?): Workshop with hands-on approach, webinar

Profile of DIH contact (who?): Technical experts

Involvement, effort from DIH: One half day event with senior experts from DIH providing the course

Financial charge for customer: Free

Funding, business plan: Subsidised by the DIH



Category: Ecosystem service, Community building

Description of activity, value proposition (what?): Communication about the offer of services of the DIH. 
Dissemination of results and key facts in local language and in English

Format (how?): Information distributed through e.g. web sites, social media, newsletters, mailing

Profile of DIH contact (who?): Experts in communication

Involvement, effort from DIH: Involvement of the communication teams belonging to the organizations involved in the DIH at CEA and SYSTEMATIC

Financial charge for customer: Free

Funding, business plan: Subsidised by the DIH


Ecosystem building

Category: Ecosystem service, Community building

Description of activity, value proposition (what?): Putting people in touch with professional, sectorial associations certification bodies, public and private investors in region and in Europe

Format (how?): Reference information provided through the DIH web portal. Possible contact with experts

Profile of DIH contact (who?): Business facilitators, technical experts

Involvement, effort from DIH: Access to networks, clusters, associations and federations to which the organizations of the DIH belong

Financial charge for customer: Free

Funding, business plan: Subsidised by the DIH


Market research, market awareness, market/technology trends

Category: Ecosystem service, Strategy development

Description of activity, value proposition (what?): provision of contact to experts in market analysis, market data held in the network and at the DIH at European and International level

Format (how?): Conference call, meeting with business developers at the DIH

Profile of DIH contact (who?): contact to experts in market analysis

Involvement, effort from DIH: One hour with experts

Financial charge for customer: paying service

Funding, business plan: Subsidised by the DIH


Technical advising

Category: Ecosystem service, Strategy development

Description of activity, value proposition (what?): Advising on possible usage of robotics and automation

Format (how?): Conference calls, bilateral meetings

Profile of DIH contact (who?): Technical and application experts

Involvement, effort from DIH: One hour with experts

Financial charge for customer: Free

Funding, business plan: Subsidised by the DIH


Resources and knowledge sharing

Category: Ecosystem service, Ecosystem learning

Description of activity, value proposition (what?): Organizing access and informing about resources, databases, seminars, workshops, conferences, field trips, newsletters and other information of interest

Format (how?): Reference information provided through the DIH and RIMA network web portal.
Possible contact with experts for advanced advices

Profile of DIH contact (who?): Systematic cluster Operational team (communication, innovation)

Involvement, effort from DIH: Involvement of the communication teams of the organizations involved in the DIH at CEA and SYSTEMATIC

Financial charge for customer: Free for Systematic members

Funding, business plan: Mixed Public and private funding


DIH network promotion, Promotion of the offer

Category: Ecosystem service, Ecosystem learning

Description of activity, value proposition (what?): Promote both the DIH and its members

Format (how?): Organization of roadshows, exhibitions, dissemination, and otherwise represent interests (e.g., suppliers, end-users)

Profile of DIH contact (who?): Communication, business and technical experts

Involvement, effort from DIH: Involvement of the communication teams belonging to the organizations involved in the DIH at CEA and SYSTEMATIC

Financial charge for customer: Free

Funding, business plan: Subsidised by the DIH

Technology Services
Contract Research
Provision of technology infrastructure
Strategic RDI
Technical support on scale-up
Testing and Validation
Technology Services Information

Research and development collaboration

Category: Strategic RDI

Description of activity, value proposition (what?): Research aiming at reaching TRL 5, removal of doubts, specifications, research and development, validation in laboratory

Format (how?): Collaborative research with several partners in EU on 2 years or more

Profile of DIH contact (who?): Project manager, technical experts

Involvement, effort from DIH: Support from experts in the submission of European or national proposals. Long term participation (over 2 years) of several experts from the DIH for technical research and development in robotics

Financial charge for customer: Free

Funding, business plan: Funded by European or national research programmes


Innovation projects: technology demonstrators, proof of concepts

Category: Contract research

Description of activity, value proposition (what?): Research and development aiming at reaching TRL 6, application of existing technologies, validation in laboratory

Format (how?): Bilateral projects from one to a few years

Profile of DIH contact (who?): Project manager, technical experts

Involvement, effort from DIH: Support from experts in the submission of European or national proposals. Long term participation (over 2 years) of several experts from the DIH for technical research and development in robotics

Financial charge for customer: Paying

Funding, business plan: Funded by bilateral contracts, European or national innovation programmes, private investors


Proof of concept, prototyping, commercialisation/industrialisation, small series production

Category: Technical support on scale-up

Description of activity, value proposition (what?): Demonstration in real environment or in realistic conditions. Adaptation of existing technologies to specific use case

Format (how?): Bilateral projects from one to several months

Profile of DIH contact (who?): Technical experts

Involvement, effort from DIH: Support from experts in the submission of European or national proposals
Participation of several experts from the DIH for development and innovation

Financial charge for customer: Paying

Funding, business plan: Funded by bilateral contracts, European or national innovation programmes, investors


Lab facilities, equipment for lease/use (sensors, robots, robot tooling, etc.), rapid prototyping

Category: Provision of technology infrastructure

Description of activity, value proposition (what?): Demonstration with equipment held in the lab. Realization of interfaces with DIH equipment. Provision of test benches (for actuation, perception, etc.)

Format (how?): Conducting experiments with the assistance of CEA personnel

Profile of DIH contact (who?): Technical experts

Involvement, effort from DIH: Support from experts in the submission of European or national proposals
Participation of several experts from the DIH for maturation

Financial charge for customer: Paying, financial charge based on daily rate and depending on the personnel involved, equipment used at the DIH and adaptation needed

Funding, business plan: Funded by bilateral contracts, European or national innovation programmes, investors


Certification, product demonstration & testing, comparison of products

Category: Testing and validation

Description of activity, value proposition (what?): For testing and benchmarking, CEA holds and can offer access to a set of dedicated to infrastructures to make assessment in realistic conditions and in particular for applications in nuclear sector. CEA can also organize access to infrastructure in other sectors of applications.

Format (how?): Conducting experiments with the assistance of CEA personnel following evaluation protocols. Provision of metrics and tools for benchmarking the utility, usability, effectiveness

Profile of DIH contact (who?): Technical experts. For certification issues, CEA will provide contacts to experts of CETIM[1] the Technical Centre for Mechanical Industry.

Involvement, effort from DIH: Support from experts in the submission of European or national proposals
Participation of several experts from the DIH for maturation

Financial charge for customer: Paying

Funding, business plan: Funded by bilateral contracts, European or national innovation programmes, investors

