Cyprus University of Technology
30 Arch. Kyprianos Str. Limassol 3036 Cyprus
Phone+357 2.500.2500

An important parameter of the international recognition that the University enjoys is the universities’ international rankings. In less than 14 years of operation, the CUT has occupied high positions in three of the most well-known international ranking lists: Times Higher Education, QS and Shanghai.

Specifically, in the Times Higher Education World University Rankings (THE), the CUT is ranked 301-350 worldwide, the highest position amongst universities in Cyprus and Greece, for the years 2020, 2019 and 2018.

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DIH Information

The form of DIH CUT-RCDS-CC

The Cyprus University of Technology (CUT) is the legal entity that represents the CUT-RCDS-CC DIH. The University was established by law in December 2003, and enrolled its first students in September 2007. It is a new, public, and independent University with high values concerning its academic character, legal status, organizational and administrative structure; it’s characterized by its high-level procedure for staff selection, and its relationship with the state. The University aspires to develop itself into a modern, pioneering University able to offer education and high-level research in leading branches of science and technology which have high impact on the economic, technical, and scientific sectors.

The CUT Robotics Control and Decision Systems laboratory and Competence Centre (CUT-RCDS-CC) is the oldest Robotics laboratory in Cyprus with a record of National, EU and Private research funding, and is located at the Mechanical Engineering and Materials Science and Engineering Department of the Cyprus University of Technology.


The CUT Robotics Control and Decision Systems laboratory and Competence Center (CUT-RCDS-CC) is the oldest Robotics laboratory in Cyprus, established in 2011, with a record of National and EU research projects. The research focus of the laboratory is on multi-robot motion task planning, coordination and control, with applications to mobile, aerial, underwater and underground robots. RCDS-CUT-CC is a one-stop shop for developing robotic systems for real world applications. Its activities cover areas of both academia and industry:

  • Education
  • Basic research
  • Technology development
  • Product development
  • Innovation support
Business Services
Access to finance
Incubator/accelerator support
Offering housing
Project development
Skills and education
Business Services Information

Business development

Category: Incubator/accelerator support

Description of activity, value proposition (what?): Advice to industry for IPR management, proposal writing with startups.

Format (how?): Meetings, conference calls

Profile of DIH contact (who?): Business experts

Involvement, effort from DIH: Meetings with experts in business development

Financial charge for customer: Free

Funding, business plan: Subsidised by the DIH, Licensing, Research projects


Connect to funding sources

Category: Access to financing,

Description of activity, value proposition (what?): Advice to industry for networking with venture capital, funding opportunities, mediating between industry and venture capital

Format (how?): Meetings, conference calls, proposal writing.

Profile of DIH contact (who?): Business developer, technical expert.

Involvement, effort from DIH: Meetings with experts in funding of research, development and innovation in robotics. Proposal writing.

Financial charge for customer: Free

Funding, business plan: Subsidised by the DIH, Research projects


Hands-on training

Category: Skills and education

Description of activity, value proposition (what?): Educational and training courses in robotics with relation to IM, STEM education classes to high-school students, underwater IM seminars and presentations to technology developers, tours to DIH labs and presentations to researchers from other institutions

Format (how?): Courses given by CUT personnel. On demand and regular.

Profile of DIH contact (who?): Technical experts

Involvement, effort from DIH: 1-2 day events and shorter events, supply of training reference material.

Financial charge for customer: Free

Funding, business plan:  Covered by research projects (end-user training), covered by the university (undergraduate/postgraduate courses), subsidized by the DIH (high-school students).


Research, development and innovation opportunities

Category: Project development, access to finance

Description of activity, value proposition (what?):

Advising on technological research, development and innovation activity as part of proposal writing and research projects. Elaboration of an action plan for R&D&I with milestones, deliverables, agreement on the respective role of stakeholders and on the final delivery.

Format (how?): Meetings, conference calls.

Profile of DIH contact (who?): Business developer, technical expert

Involvement, effort from DIH: Meetings with experts in research, development and innovation in robotics

Financial charge for customer: Free

Funding, business plan: Subsidised by the DIH


Hosting to Spin off and Start up

Category: Offering housing

Description of activity, value proposition (what?): Housing offer for the robotics IM activities of new organizations.

Format (how?): On demand

Profile of DIH contact (who?): Business facilitator

Involvement, effort from DIH: Office space, workspace, located in DIH premises,  Internet infrastructure, lab facilities.

Financial charge for customer: Paid

Funding, business plan: Subsidised by the DIH, Joint venture

Ecosystem Services
Community building
Ecosystem learning
Representation, Promotion
Strategy development
Ecosystem Services Information

Brokerage, Matchmaking

Category: Ecosystem service, Community building

Description of activity, value proposition (what?): Bring together local and European stakeholders to setup H2020 proposals.

Format (how?): Online and face-to-face meetings with stakeholders and local communities

Profile of DIH contact (who?): Business facilitators, technical experts

Involvement, effort from DIH: On-demand meetings based on call complexity

Financial charge for customer: Free

Funding, business plan: Subsidised by the DIH and co-organizers


Awareness creation

Category: Ecosystem service, Community building

Description of activity, value proposition (what?): Open days, STEM education activities, euRobotics week, workshops

Format (how?): Workshops organization of open days

Profile of DIH contact (who?): DIH Technical experts

Involvement, effort from DIH: Presentations by DIH technical experts

Financial charge for customer: Free

Funding, business plan: Subsidised by the DIH, research projects



Category: Ecosystem service, Community building

Description of activity, value proposition (what?): Communication about the offer of services of the DIH. 
Dissemination of results and key facts in local language and in English

Format (how?): Information distributed through e.g. web sites, social media, newsletters, mailing, infodays, workshops.

Profile of DIH contact (who?): Technical and business experts

Involvement, effort from DIH: Organization, communication, execution

Financial charge for customer: Free

Funding, business plan: Subsidised by the DIH, research projects


Ecosystem building

Category: Ecosystem service, Community building

Description of activity, value proposition (what?): Putting people in touch with professional, sectorial associations certification bodies, public and private investors in region and in Europe

Format (how?): Reference information provided via DIH contact points

Profile of DIH contact (who?): Business facilitators, technical experts

Involvement, effort from DIH: Access to networks, clusters, associations and federations to which CUT-RCDS-CC belongs and/or has contacts with

Financial charge for customer: Free

Funding, business plan: Subsidised by the DIH, research projects


Market research, market awareness, market/technology trends

Category: Ecosystem service, Strategy development

Description of activity, value proposition (what?): provision of contact to experts in market analysis, market data held in the network and at the DIH at European and International level

Format (how?): Conference call, meeting with business developers at the DIH

Profile of DIH contact (who?): contact with experts in diagnostic, application, and technical mentors

Involvement, effort from DIH: On demand, depending on the complexity of the task.

Financial charge for customer: Free

Funding, business plan: Subsidised by the DIH, research projects, Joint venture


Technical advising

Category: Ecosystem service, Strategy development

Description of activity, value proposition (what?): Advising on possible usage of robotics and automation

Format (how?): Conference calls, bilateral meetings

Profile of DIH contact (who?): Technical and application experts

Involvement, effort from DIH: On demand, depending on the complexity of the task.

Financial charge for customer: Free

Funding, business plan: Subsidised by the DIH, Joint ventures, Research projects


Resources and knowledge sharing

Category: Ecosystem service, Ecosystem learning

Description of activity, value proposition (what?): Workshop organization for IM operators and manufacturers, newsletter distribution, DIH presentations

Format (how?): Reference information provided through the DIH, newsletters and RIMA network web portal. Newletters, workshops and presentations organized by the DIH or in cooperation with partners. 

Profile of DIH contact (who?): Technical and application mentors.

Involvement, effort from DIH: Technical and application mentors.

Financial charge for customer: Free

Funding, business plan: Subsidised by the DIH, Joint ventures, Research projects


DIH network promotion,  Promotion of the offer

Category: Ecosystem service, Representation, promotion

Description of activity, value proposition (what?): Promotion of IM robotics and relevant organisations, advise to industry partners with regards to marketing plans for robotics in IM, discussion on marketing support and I&M promotion.

Format (how?): Dissemination activities, face-to-face meetings, social media and otherwise represent interests (e.g., suppliers, end-users).

Profile of DIH contact (who?): Business and technical experts

Involvement, effort from DIH: Involvement of the technical and business experts.

Financial charge for customer: Free.

Funding, business plan: Subsidised by the DIH, Joint ventures, Research projects

Technology Services
Contract Research
Provision of technology infrastructure
Strategic RDI
Technical support on scale-up
Testing and Validation
Technology Services Information

Research and development collaboration

Category: Strategic RDI

Description of activity, value proposition (what?): Offering Long term support to collaborating organisations from the private and public sectors through advice and development

Format (how?): Collaborative research, development and innovation

Profile of DIH contact (who?): Project manager, technical experts

Involvement, effort from DIH: Support from experts in the submission of European or national proposals. Long term participation of several experts from the DIH for technical research and development in robotics

Financial charge for customer: Paid

Funding, business plan: Contract research, joint ventures, research projects


Innovation projects: technology demonstrators, proof of concepts

Category: Contract research

Description of activity, value proposition (what?): Short term contracts for inspection. Services provided to public sector organisations, research proposals

Format (how?): Bilateral or collaborative projects.

Profile of DIH contact (who?): Project manager, technical experts

Involvement, effort from DIH: Support from experts in the submission of European or national proposals. Participation of several experts from the DIH for technical research and development in robotics

Financial charge for customer: Paid

Funding, business plan: Contract research, joint ventures, research projects.


Proof of concept, prototyping, commercialisation/industrialisation, small series production

Category: Technical support on scale-up

Description of activity, value proposition (what?): Demonstration in real environment or in realistic conditions. Adaptation of existing technologies to specific use case

Format (how?): Bilateral or collaborative projects.

Profile of DIH contact (who?): Technical experts

Involvement, effort from DIH: Support from experts in the submission of European or national proposals
Participation of several experts from the DIH for development and innovation

Financial charge for customer: Paid

Funding, business plan: Contract research, joint ventures, research projects.


Lab facilities, equipment for lease/use (sensors, robots, robot tooling, etc.), rapid prototyping

Category: Provision of technology infrastructure

Description of activity, value proposition (what?): Demonstration with equipment held in the lab. Realization of interfaces with DIH equipment. Provision of test benches (for actuation, perception, etc.)

Format (how?): Conducting experiments with the assistance of CUT personnel

Profile of DIH contact (who?): Technical experts

Involvement, effort from DIH: Support from experts in the submission of European or national proposals
Participation of several experts from the DIH for maturation

Financial charge for customer: Paid.

Funding, business plan: Contract research, joint ventures, research projects.


Certification, product demonstration & testing, comparison of products

Category: Testing and validation

Description of activity, value proposition (what?): System testing, demonstration and qualification (mock-up, simulator, mock-up and simulator). Definition of testing, demonstration and qualification KPIs. Run testing, demonstration and qualification scenarios based on the defined KPIs. Demonstration to end-users.

Format (how?): Conducting experiments with the assistance of CUT personnel following evaluation protocols. Provision of metrics and tools for benchmarking the utility, usability, effectiveness

Profile of DIH contact (who?): Technical experts

Involvement, effort from DIH: Support from experts in the submission of European or national proposals
Participation of several experts from the DIH for maturation

Financial charge for customer: Paying

Funding, business plan: Contract research, joint ventures, research projects.