Laboratory for Manufacturing Systems & Automation (LMS)
Patras 26504 Greece
Phone+30 261.091.0160

LMS is focused on research and development in cutting edge scientific and technological fields. LMS is involved in a number of research projects funded by the CEU and European industrial partners. Particular emphasis is given to the co-operation with the European industry as well as with a number of “hi-tech” firms.

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DIH Information

The form of DIH LMS

Laboratory for Manufacturing Systems & Automation (LMS) is oriented on research and development in cutting edge scientific and technological fields. LMS is involved in a number of research projects funded by the CEU and European industrial partners. Particular emphasis is given to the co-operation with the European industry as well as with a number of "hi-tech" firms. It currently employs approximately 70 researchers organized in four different groups: a) Manufacturing Processes Modelling and Energy Efficiency, b) Robots, Automation and Virtual Reality in Manufacturing, c) Manufacturing Systems d) Software Development for Manufacturing.

In terms of LMS as a DIH, it is actively engaging SMEs in robotic technologies in the manufacturing sector, on regional and national level. Using its long experience on the HRC technologies and its activities on the European landscape, LMS transfers its knowledge to the Greek SMEs as well as to large industries, closing the gap between the Greek and the European manufacturing domain.

Business Services
Access to finance
Incubator/accelerator support
Project development
Skills and education
Business Services Information

Connect to funding sources

Category: Access to financing, Incubator/accelerator support

Description of activity, value proposition (what?): Connect businesses and public organizations to relevant funding opportunities. Lead or contribute to proposal writing the funding opportunities.

Format (how?): Online or physical meetings, conference calls, proposal writing.

Profile of DIH contact (who?): Project managers and senior research engineers

Involvement, effort from DIH: Meetings with experts in funding of research, development and innovation in robotics. Proposal writing.

Financial charge for customer: Free

Funding, business plan: Subsidised by the DIH (as part of investigating project opportunities)


Hands-on training

Category: Skills and education

Description of activity, value proposition (what?): Training of undergraduate/postgraduate students

Format (how?): Lectures and lab courses given by DIH personnel.

Profile of DIH contact (who?): Technical research engineers

Involvement, effort from DIH: Course on semester level, supply of training reference material.

Financial charge for customer: Free

Funding, business plan:  Part of curriculum provided by public university.


Research, development and innovation opportunities

Category: Project development, access to finance

Description of activity, value proposition (what?): Advising on technological research, development and innovation activity. Elaboration of an action plan for R&D&I with milestones, deliverables, agreement on the respective role of stakeholders and on the final delivery. Basis for initiating, e.g., bilateral projects between industry and RTOs in the DIH, or as basis for proposal writing to secure funding.

Format (how?): Meetings, conference calls.

Profile of DIH contact (who?): Project managers and senior research engineers

Involvement, effort from DIH: Meetings with the above contacts

Financial charge for customer: Free

Funding, business plan: Subsidised by the DIH (as part of investigating project opportunities)

Ecosystem Services
Community building
Ecosystem learning
Strategy development
Ecosystem Services Information

Brokerage, Matchmaking

Category: Ecosystem service, Community building, ecosystem learning

Description of activity, value proposition (what?): Organisation of meetings between industries in the value chain to make demand and offer sides meet, share ideas and analyse opportunities for collaboration.

Format (how?): Typical a meeting per year at LMS premises takes place, with tour of the laboratory, discussion and presentations from stakeholders, networking lunch, and b2b dialogue.

Profile of DIH contact (who?): Business facilitators, technical experts.

Involvement, effort from DIH: One day event with participation of 2 to 3 project managers from LMS, supply of communication material

Financial charge for customer: Free

Funding, business plan: Subsidised by the DIH (as part of investigating project opportunities)


Awareness creation

Category: Ecosystem service, Community building

Description of activity, value proposition (what?): Robotics awareness presentation for decision-makers and suppliers

Format (how?): Webinar/workshops/conferences that the DIH is invited to

Profile of DIH contact (who?): Project managers and senior research engineers

Involvement, effort from DIH: Presentation by one of the above.

Financial charge for customer: Free

Funding, business plan: Subsidised by the DIH (as part of investigating project opportunities)



Category: Ecosystem service, Community building

Description of activity, value proposition (what?): Communication about the key activities of the DIH. 
Dissemination of results and key facts from European and national projects that LMS is involved

Format (how?): Digital information distributed through marketing material e.g., web sites, social media, newsletters, mailing, videos, presentations, live demonstrators

Profile of DIH contact (who?): Project managers and senior research engineers

Involvement, effort from DIH: Presentation by research engineers

Financial charge for customer: Free

Funding, business plan: Subsidised by the DIH (as part of investigating project opportunities)


Ecosystem building

Category: Ecosystem service, Community building

Description of activity, value proposition (what?): Putting people in touch with professional, sectorial associations certification bodies, public and private investors in region and in Europe

Format (how?): Conference calls, bilateral meetings, meetings on customer's premises

Profile of DIH contact (who?): Project managers and senior research engineers

Involvement, effort from DIH: Access to networks, clusters, associations and federations to which the organizations of the DIH belong and/or has contacts with.

Financial charge for customer: Free

Funding, business plan: Subsidised by the DIH (as part of investigating project opportunities)


Mentoring by technical and application experts

Category: Ecosystem service, Strategy development

Description of activity, value proposition (what?): Advising on possible usage of robotics and automation

Format (how?): Conference calls, bilateral meetings, meetings on customer's premises

Profile of DIH contact (who?): Project managers and senior research engineers

Involvement, effort from DIH: Participation in the aforementioned meetings

Financial charge for customer: Free

Funding, business plan: Subsidised by the DIH (as part of investigating project opportunities)


Resources and knowledge sharing

Category: Ecosystem service, Ecosystem learning

Description of activity, value proposition (what?): Organizing access and informing about resources, seminars, workshops, conferences, field trips, newsletters and other information of interest

Format (how?): Reference information provided through the DIH web portal and social media. Conferences, field trips, workshops organized by the DIH or in cooperation with partners.

Profile of DIH contact (who?): Project managers and senior research engineers

Involvement, effort from DIH: Involvement of the communication teams of the organizations involved in the DIH

Financial charge for customer: Free

Funding, business plan: Subsidised by the DIH (as part of investigating project opportunities)


DIH network promotion, Promotion of the offer

Category: Ecosystem service, Ecosystem learning

Description of activity, value proposition (what?): Promote both the DIH and its members

Format (how?): Webpages, newsletters. Participation on roadshows, exhibitions, dissemination, and otherwise represent interests (e.g., suppliers, end-users).

Profile of DIH contact (who?): Project managers and senior research engineers

Involvement, effort from DIH: Involvement of the above contacts

Financial charge for customer: Free

Funding, business plan: Subsidised by the DIH (as part of investigating project opportunities)

Technology Services
Contract Research
Provision of technology infrastructure
Strategic RDI
Technical support on scale-up
Technology Services Information

Research and development collaboration

Category: Strategic RDI

Description of activity, value proposition (what?): Research aiming at reaching TRL 5, removal of doubts, specifications, research and development, validation in laboratory

Format (how?): Collaborative research with several partners in Greece and EU for 1 year or more depending the project

Profile of DIH contact (who?): Project managers and senior research engineers

Involvement, effort from DIH: Support from experts in the submission of European or national proposals. Long term participation (typically more than 2 years but there are cases of annual projects) of several experts from the DIH for technical research and development in robotics

Financial charge for customer: Free

Funding, business plan: Funded by European or national research programmes, mix of public and private funding, or solely private funding (rare cases).


Innovation projects: technology demonstrators, proof of concepts

Category: Contract research

Description of activity, value proposition (what?): Research and development aiming at reaching TRL 6, application of existing technologies, validation in laboratory

Format (how?): Bilateral or collaborative projects from one to a few years.

Profile of DIH contact (who?): Project managers and senior research engineers

Involvement, effort from DIH: Support from experts in the submission of European or national proposals. Participation of several experts from the DIH for technical research and development in robotics

Financial charge for customer: Free

Funding, business plan: Funded by bilateral contracts, European or national innovation programmes, private investors (less often).


Proof of concept, prototyping, commercialisation/industrialisation, small series production

Category: Technical support on scale-up

Description of activity, value proposition (what?): Demonstration in real environment or in realistic conditions. Adaptation of existing technologies to specific use case

Format (how?): Bilateral projects from one to several months

Profile of DIH contact (who?): Project managers and senior research engineers

Involvement, effort from DIH: Support from experts in the submission of European or national proposals
Participation of several experts from the DIH for development and innovation

Financial charge for customer: Free

Funding, business plan: Funded by bilateral contracts, European or national innovation programmes


Lab facilities, equipment for lease/use (sensors, robots, robot tooling, etc.), rapid prototyping

Category: Provision of technology infrastructure

Description of activity, value proposition (what?): Demonstration with equipment held in the laboratories at the DIH or deployment of sensors etc. at customer site. Realization of interfaces with DIH equipment. Provision of test benches (for actuation, perception, etc.). Provision of large-scale field laboratories (e.g., test area for autonomous ships in the Trondheim fjord, or an aquaculture facility).

Format (how?): Conducting experiments with the assistance of DIH personnel

Profile of DIH contact (who?): Senior and junior research engineers

Involvement, effort from DIH: Support from experts in the submission of European or national proposals
Participation of several experts from the DIH for maturation

Financial charge for customer: Free.

Funding, business plan: Funded by bilateral contracts, European or national innovation programmes.