PostedThursday, March 17, 2022 at 9:39 AM
Robulclean first stage has been finished without any planning deviations thanks to the work hand by hand of the consortium between ROVIMATICA and ECILIMP.
ROBULCLEAN aims to materialize a new technological cleaning tool for renewable energy sector.
The consortium ECILIMP and ROVIMATICA is developing a new cleaning tool called ROBULCLEAN, which is committed to environmental awareness introducing a less water and energy consumption in the thermosolar and photovoltaic maintenance operations.
The Design stage is already finished, which was divided in two different sections: mechanical design and automatization definition. Both tasks have been developed by the consortium without planning deviations and from now on is going to be developed the manufacturing process and then, field tets will be carried out in a generative solar plant.
This new technology is implemented in ECILIMP cleaning trucks and Rovimatica carries out automatization of all the electronic systems.
Please keep in touch in order to receive news and more information about the project development.